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Council Reconsiders Parking Restrictions at Killamarsh Active

Council Reconsiders Parking Restrictions at Killamarsh Active

The rapid growth in use of the recently refurbished Killamarsh Active has led to the car parking being under pressure,

even with the addition of many new spaces during the refurbishment. So earlier this month, signage was installed to indicate new short and long stay parking restrictions. The restrictions are similar to those at our other leisure centres, and are intended to ensure the Centre is accessible for all residents who want to use it.

While it was never our intention to enforce the new restrictions straightaway, we have listened to the concerns that residents and local Councillors have raised and today we have taken the decision to temporarily remove the signs from the car park – this is currently being arranged. Over the next couple of months we will reconsider our proposals, in consultation with local residents, Centre users and the Parish Council, to ensure that any new restrictions are proportionate and fair, while also having broad support from the community.

If you have any views or feedback on what you feel would be the best approach for the restrictions moving forward, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.