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Petitions and Community Governance Reviews


North East Derbyshire District Council has adopted a Petition Scheme which sets out how the Council will respond to petitions that fall within the scope of the scheme.

For more information on Petitions, please contact the Governance Manager on 01246 217753, or email the Monitoring Officer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Petition against the introduction of the Council’s Taxi Licensing Policy – Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Vehicles (CCTV Supplement)

On 1 December 2022 North East Derbyshire District Council received a petition against the introduction of the Council’s Taxi Licensing Policy – Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Vehicles (CCTV Supplement).

Subsequently, the petition organiser, two members of the taxi trade, the Leader of the Council, the Portfolio Holder for Licensing and Council Officers met on 5 December 2022 to discuss the issues raised.

On 13 December 2022 the Council issued a formal response to the petition. A copy of the Petition and the Response (.pdf | 530kb) can be downloaded.

Community Governance Reviews

The Council can undertake a review for example, to establish a new parish council, or to revise parish boundaries where there have been significant changes in population, or to react to a specific new or local issue.

Community Governance Reviews may also be triggered by local people presenting a petition to the Council. For a petition to be valid it must meet specified criteria which includes:

  • It should define the area to which the review relates on a map or otherwise and refer to identifiable fixed boundaries;
  • It must specify one or more proposed recommendations for review;
  • It must contain the requisite number of signatures of people included on the electoral register for the affected area. For an area of less than 500 local electors – 37.5%, for an area with between 500 and 2,500 local electors - at least 187, for an area with more than 2,500 electors - at least 7.5%.

Community Governance Reviews may also be triggered by a local neighbourhood forum submitting a Community Governance Application. For an application to be valid it must meet specified criteria which includes:

  • It should define the area to which the review relates on a map or otherwise and refer to identifiable fixed boundaries;
  • It must specify one or more proposed recommendations for review;
  • The application must relate to the whole or part of any area specified in a neighbourhood development plan.

The Council is obligated to undertake a review if it receives a valid petition for the whole or part of the Council’s area. However, the Council does not have to undertake a review if:

  • The Council has concluded a Community Governance Review within the last two years which in its opinion covered the whole or a significant part of the area of the petition or;
  • The Council is currently conducting a review of the whole, or a significant part of the area to which the petition relates.

The Council may still choose to undergo a Community Governance Review in an area it has previously reviewed within the last two years and in an area which is currently under review by modifying the Terms of Reference or by conducting a second review.

Whenever a Community Governance Review is undertaken, we will publish the Terms of Reference and carry out public consultation before putting forward recommendations for Council to approve a Community Governance Order. The process should normally take no more than 12 months to conclude, however any boundary changes will not come into effect until the next election has taken place for the affected parish(es).