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Who can be an Apprentice?

Apprentices must be aged 16 or over and combine working with studying for a work-based qualification - from GCSE's or equivalent up to degree level. They can be new or current employees.

What is an Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are an excellent way to find eager employees who will be trained up to a high level in order to provide them with the skills needed to perform their job.

We work with partners to promote and recruit apprenticeships within the District, and you may be able to get funding to help employ an apprentice.

Higher and Degree Apprenticeships

Higher and degree apprenticeships are available at levels 4 to 7 and combine work with study, and may include a work-based, academic or combined qualification or a professional qualification relevant to the industry.

Apprenticeship Levy

In April 2017 the way the government funds apprenticeships in England changed. Some employers will be required to contribute to a new apprenticeship levy, and there will be changes to the funding for apprenticeship training for all employers.

Meeting the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target

As an authority we have always been pro-active in encouraging young people to take up traineeships and apprenticeships to gain the necessary skills, qualifications and experience so they are work-ready.

The introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy April 2017 meant all public bodies with 250 or more staff had to employ an average of at least 2.3% of their staff as new apprenticeship starts.

We actively consider apprenticeships either for new recruits or as part of career development for our existing staff.

  • For 2017/18 we had a target of nine apprentices, and we achieved seven with apprenticeships in Business Administration, ICT, Leisure Management, Activity Leadership, Accountancy, Horticulture, Plumbing, Automotive, Customer Service, Level 2 and Level 3.
  • For 2018/19 we have a target of 11 apprentices and are on target to achieve this.

More Information

If you’d like support with applying for an apprenticeship, please contact Mark Szadura, Community Employment Adviser.  Tel 01246 217534 / 07973 343383  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Telephone: 01246 231111