What are Discretionary Housing Payments?
Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) are paid on top of Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, to people who find that the shortfall between their Housing Benefit / Universal Credit award and their housing costs causes them exceptional hardship.
DHPs can only be paid up to the maximum amount of eligible rent that is due, and cannot be paid for some service charges included in the rent, for example water charges.
They are also only intended to be a temporary top up, so will not be paid indefinitely. You may be able to negotiate a lower rent with your landlord, or may have to consider finding alternative accommodation that you can afford.
Limited Allowance
The amount of money the Council is allowed for DHPs is limited, awards are made at the Council's discretion, and each application will be considered on its own merits.
How to claim a Discretionary Housing Payment
To make a claim for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP), please use the online DHP form.
We will notify you of our decision in writing.
If you are unsuccessful you can ask us to consider your application again, but there is no formal right of appeal.