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About Benefit Fraud

We have a duty under benefit regulations to ensure that benefit is only paid to bona fide persons.

We carry out investigations where it is felt that claimants are receiving benefit to which they are not entitled.

Benefit fraud is a crime and is dealt with in the appropriate way. This action could be prosecution in Court, possibly leading to a criminal record or imprisonment.

Anyone found committing benefit fraud will have to pay back any money to which they had no entitlement and some may have additional action taken against them.

Examples of Benefit Fraud

Someone could:

  • Claim benefit for a property and live somewhere else;
  • Have other people living in the property but they have not told us about them;
  • Are working and claiming Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance;
  • Have failed to declare to us ALL of their income; or Have failed to inform us about their savings or investments (including property that they own).

Report Benefit Fraud

If you know, or suspect, that a person is claiming Housing Benefit and / or Council Tax Support that they are not entitled to, please contact us immediately on 01246 231111.

Alternatively, please contact the Department for Work and Pensions.