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Extra Refuse Capacity

If you think your black bin is not big enough for your needs and want to apply for extra capacity (a bigger bin or an extra bin), please read the following information:

Large Households

Households of six or more permanent residents can receive extra refuse (black bin) capacity, as long as they meet all other relevant conditions (see below). We will need to see evidence of the number of residents in your household.

Exceptional Circumstances

You can also apply if there are other exceptional circumstances that lead to you producing a higher level of waste than normal. We will consider each case individually, but would expect that you make every reasonable effort to reduce the amount of waste you produce as much as possible.

Failure to Recycle

Households who don't recycle will not be issued with extra bin capacity, and we may withdraw the extra bin capacity if you fail to recycle; your black/grey bin is not intended for disposal of items that can be recycled.

Medical Waste

If your household produces a large amount of medical waste (due to disability or other similar causes) this will support your application for extra bin capacity. We will still consider the other factors above when making our decision.


There is a one-off charge of £20 (£10 if on qualifying benefits).

Apply for Extra Capacity

Review Schedule

We will send a review form every two years to check that your household still needs the extra capacity.

Extra Green Bin

You also have the option to pay for an extra green bin, in additional to the free green bin you're entitled to.

Additional bins are £40 per bin per year, and you can have up to 3 additional bins.

Green bins are usually collected every two weeks, between March and November.