Please note Sharley Park Leisure Centre is now closed until the new centre Clay Cross Active is built later in 2024. Thank you for your valued custom, we can't wait to welcome you back in our new facility!

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Fitness Suite and Fitness Classes

Fitness Suite

Whilst our Sharley Park Leisure Centre is now closed, our fitness classes are continuing at venues in the district. More details for each class are below:

Fitness Classes

Our fitness classes provide the perfect environment for you to keep fit with our wide range of group exercise. Our classes cater for any ability, from beginners to advanced. The programme is reviewed regularly to ensure that we are offering the right classes at the right times and introducing new classes to members and casual users. We offer the following classes:

Our classes (held across varying community-based venues):

  • CORE at Coney Green - 30 minute class for developing and strengthening the muscles in the abdomen and lower back.
  • Body Tone at Coney Green - A high energy, full body workout (with optional hand weights) set to upbeat music.
  • Boot Camp - Boot Camp is a full body workout to help build strength and fitness using a variety of exercises and equipment.
  • HIIT Training at Coney Green - A cardio workout aimed to get your heart rate high whilst using your body weight and equipment to sculpt your whole body.
  • Kettlebells at Coney Green - An intense full body workout using weights to train your entire body.
  • Legs, Bums & Tums at Coney Green - Designed to tone those legs, bums and tums. Working through circuits, partner workouts, floor exercises and much, much more!
  • Pilates at Coney Green - Helps improve posture and movement by strengthening and balancing all muscles of the body.
  • Strength Classes at Coney Green - Improve muscle strength, core stability and posture.
  • Chair-based at Bret Club - Exercise Chair based low impact exercise to music led by the fitness instructor.
  • Dicky Tickers at Coney Green - Improve general fitness in a relaxed environment, led by fully qualified instructors.
  • Low Impact Circuits at Bret Club - Low impact/intensity workout incorporating calorie burning, cardiovascular, strength and body toning exercises.
  • Yoga - Linked with a focus on breathing this eastern art incorporates strength and flexibility to help develop an inner sense of well being.
  • Young at Heart at Bret Club - Low impact class aimed at the over 50’s so there’s no excuse to not keep fit and healthy.
  • Walking Netball at Pilsley Village Hall - A great way to get fit and make new friends - whatever your age or ability.
  • Forever Active at Holmgate Community Centre - A new daytime session with multisport and exercise activity with the aim of improving your overall wellbeing and a chance to socialise and meet new friends. This session is suitable for anybody with a long term health or mental health condition, or simply for anybody that would like to try out some new low impact sport and exercise.

The addresses of the above venues are:

  • SPLC (Sharley Park Leisure Centre) - Market St, Clay Cross, Chesterfield S45 9LX
  • Coney Green Business Centre - 103 Wingfield View, Clay Cross, Chesterfield S45 9JW
  • The Bret Club - Clay Cross, Chesterfield S45 9NW
  • Pilsley Village Hall - Pear Tree Rd, Pilsley, Chesterfield S45 8HU
  • Holmgate Community Centre - Valley Rd, Clay Cross, Chesterfield S45 9QF

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