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Budget and Council Tax set for next financial year

The budget for next year was approved by Council at its meeting on 29 January as part of our Medium Term Financial Plan.

The Council has been operating in a challenging financial climate for several years and has an excellent track record of both identifying and delivering service efficiencies as required alongside a strong commitment to financial resilience and good financial governance.

The Council’s Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance Cllr Pat Kerry said:

“This is a budget that meets the pressures we face whilst continuing to provide high-quality services to our residents and businesses. We also recognise that there is still a need to continue to tackle future pressures in a planned and managed manner.

With this in mind. we have taken the decision to increase the council tax bill by 2.99% this year and housing rents by 6%. It is never easy making these decisions. A balance must be sought between our ability to continue to deliver sustainable services and the impact on our residents”.