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Don't be the next burglary victim, tips to keep your home safe

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Sadly there has been a number of burglaries across the district recently. We have put together some top tips from our community safety experts to help you do your bit to help deter potential burglars as we enter the festive period.

Make sure you:

  1. Lock all home doors and car doors: Even if you’re inside your home remember to lock the door.
  2. Leave all belongings out of sight: For example, put your car keys somewhere hidden and not on the counter below a window.
  3. Use light timers to make house look lived in even when you are at work - it's dark really early in winter months, put your light timers to come on from 4pm onwards
  4. Secure the back of your property – main entry is back gardens:
    1. Consider sash jammers on all vulnerable windows and doors / French windows
    2. CCTV
    3. Flood lighting
    4. If you have a burglar alarm make sure you use it!!
  5. If you are going away, ensure milk and papers are cancelled: A build up would be a sign to a potential burglar there’s nobody in the building.
  6. Shut curtains so people cannot see what belongings you have when the lights are on.
  7. If your car is “keyless entry” buy a faraday bag to block the signal to your car.