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New Leader, Deputy Leader, Chair and Vice Chair announced at Annual Council

New Leader, Deputy Leader, Chair and Vice Chair announced at Annual Council

North East Derbyshire District Council has today announced Cllr Nigel Barker as its new Leader, Cllr Pat Kerry as Deputy Leader and Cllr Martin Thacker as the new Chairman who replaces the outgoing Cllr Diana Ruff at the Annual Council meeting.

The Annual Council meeting saw the new Labour administration take control and announce their new Leader, Deputy Leader and subsequent Cabinet Members as well as the new Chairman, Cllr Martin Thacker MBE and Vice Chair, Cllr Gerry Morley.

Newly elected Leader of the Council, Cllr Nigel Barker said, “I am really looking forward to the next four years in office as Leader of the Council.

I would like to thank our outgoing Leader and Chair, Cllr Dale and Cllr Ruff respectively for their dedication and hard work in what was an incredibly difficult period with the cost of living crisis and covid pandemic.

I would also like to take this opportunity as Leader to inform our residents and businesses that we will be following up on our manifesto promises during the election campaign, and moving forward from here we will be a council that is tackling issues that matter to our residents.

We have seen an increase in low level anti-social behaviour which can have a big impact on people’s lives and we will add additional resources to the Community Safety Team to tackle this.

Increasing biodiversity and tackling Climate Change is a priority for us as a council to ensure the district is clean and tidy, we will review the road sweeping regimes.

Finally, we will be looking to increase the number of social houses in the district over the next four years and it is my intention to reinstate the grant to the Derbyshire Unemployed Works Centre so the people of North East Derbyshire can use it to get the help they need”.

Pictured: Left - Cllr Nigel Barker, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council and Deputy Leader Cllr Pat Kerry (right)