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Contacting the Council


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There are many different ways to find out about our services, including local facilities and activities, as well as how you can get involved in local decision-making. We produce a range of publications which are available in different formats, and you can also find information about our services on our website. The main ways to find out more about our services are:


Our community newsletter is distributed free to all homes in North East Derbyshire. It is full of local news, along with information about our services and forthcoming leisure and community activities. If you live in North East Derbyshire and are not receiving this magazine, please let us know by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

North East Derbyshire website

Our website is full of useful information about our services, and about NE Derbyshire as a place to live and visit. From reporting fly-tipping to letting us know you’ve moved home, you can also carry out a range of tasks online.

Social media

You can follow the council for the latest news and information.

You can also follow our four sports centres on Facebook:

Email alert

You can sign up to our email alert system which can deliver latest and breaking news about the authority and North East Derbyshire straight to your email inbox. We have a variety of topics you can sign up to receive. From Council Tax to Leisure services - even bin day reminders! Sign up today!

What if I need information in a different format or language?

We produce materials in a format which is as accessible as possible. If you need information in a different language we have a free interpreting service, called Language is Everything. If you would like information in a different format, such as Braille or another language, contact us on (01246) 231111 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Contacting the council

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If you need to get in touch, there are many different ways for you to contact us.

  • In person - Speak to one of our customer service advisors at our main offices at NEDDC, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, S42 6NG. Our reception is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Private rooms are available if you want to discuss sensitive or confidential business.
  • By telephone - (01246) 231111 - Our contact centre is open from 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday. Our customer service advisors will be able to deal with many queries directly. If you need to speak to a specific department in more detail, they will be able to put you through to a relevant officer.
  • Online - Our website is full of useful information about our services, and about NE Derbyshire as a place to live and visit. From reporting fly-tipping to letting us know you’ve moved home, you can also carry out a range of tasks online. Visit for more information.
  • British Sign Language Interpreter Service - Residents can contact us through this service. The British Sign Language user and the Interpreter can communicate over a secure video call, and the interpreter relays everything that is signed to the hearing person, the conversation relays back and forth from BSL to English and English to BSL.

Compliments or Complaints

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Listening to and acting upon your views to continually improve our services is a priority for us. If you have a comment, compliment or complaint to make about our service to you, please get in touch. We take all feedback seriously and will respond appropriately.

There are many ways for you to tell us what you think:

  • Tell the member of staff you are dealing with
  • Send us your feedback online
  • Call us on (01246) 231111**
  • Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Send a text message to 07800 002425
  • Write to us at Customer Services, North East Derbyshire District Council, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, S42 6NG

Complaints process

Informal – Frontline Resolution: We aim to respond within 3 working days.

For straightforward issues that are easily resolved, requiring little or no investigation.

** We ask that all Formal / Internal Review complaints are put in writing or emailed if you are able to do so, ensuring your complaint response is then answered in full.

Formal – Investigation: We aim to respond within 15 working days.

Written complaint: For issues that have not been resolved or are more complex and require an investigation. This would be investigated by the service manager of that area that you are complaining about.

Internal Review – Investigation: We aim to respond within 20 working days.

Written complaint advising why you remain dissatisfied with the formal complaint response - this would then be investigated by a Director or their representative. If your complaint is complex and we feel we need more time to investigate, we will keep you informed of the progress.

Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman: If you still remain dissatisfied with the Council regarding their response to the internal review the next step would be to make a complaint, in writing, to the Local Government Ombudsman as the Councils own complaints procedure has been fully exhausted.

The Ombudsman can be contacted at: Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0EH. Tel: 0300 061 0614 or visit the LGO website.

You can expect us to:

  • Pass on your compliments and comments to the relevant service.
  • Acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days.
  • Provide you with a written response to your formal investigation within 15 working days. If your complaint is complex and we feel we need more time to investigate, we will keep you informed of the progress.
  • Deal with your complaint openly and fairly.
  • Gain an understanding of the issues you raise by investigating your complaint.
  • Treat your details confidentially.
  • Give an explanation.
  • Provide an appropriate remedy, put processes in place to ensure the same thing will not happen again and apologise if the Council is at fault.

We expect you to:

Be respectful to our staff. North East Derbyshire Council has a zero-tolerance approach towards anyone who abuses, intimidates or threatens local authority staff.

We will not accept any form of communication which attempts to abuse, intimidate or even threaten council employees. Using foul and abusive language could be deemed a form of harassment and threats to disclose personal data, with the intention of causing nuisance, alarm and distress to officers will not be tolerated.

Where there are real concerns about a service or conduct of officers, customers can use the Contact Us process to raise concerns and such matters will be investigated.

Where there is no evidence to justify the complaint being made and there is evidence that communications are sent or posted maliciously, or with the intention of causing nuisance, alarm or distress to officers who are trying their best to provide communities with important and often essential services, the Council will be challenging individuals and will take proactive and necessary action to protect staff including issuing proceedings in the County Court to tackle the behaviour.

Equality and diversity

equality and diversity

We recognise our responsibility as an authority serving a diverse population. We will make sure there is equality of opportunity for all citizens in the community, irrespective of their protected characteristics. These include residents age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

What policies do you have covering equality?

The Single Equality Scheme sets out the actions we will take to prevent discrimination and harassment, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between different groups. It details improvements which we hope will make a difference to the lives of people across the District. We also undertake Equality Impact Assessments (EIA’s) on all our policies, strategies and procedures to ensure they meet with all our equalities standards. The Council’s Equality and Diversity Policy for Service Delivery is published on the website and sets out the Council’s approach to equalities.

How can I get involved with consultation on equalities issues?

All our consultation are posted on the Ask Derbyshire website.

If I feel that I am being harassed or targeted because of my race, sex, etc, what should I do?

Hate crimes, or incidents, are those that are directed toward someone because of their disability, race, transgender, sexuality, faith, religion or belief. All hate incidents reported to us or witnessed by our staff are recorded. All incidents involving our services or functions are fully investigated by us, whilst crimes are dealt with by the police. Please report any serious matters in the first instance to the police, alternatively you may wish to seek advice from our Improvement Officer on (01246) 217047.

What happens then?

We take a very serious view of this sort of behaviour and there are a number of options open to us, including prosecution, police action or other enforcement action as appropriate.

Reasonable Adjustments Form

Our aim is to provide services in a fair and equal manner. In order to do this we need to identify customers with long-term health conditions and disabilities to find out about their information and communication needs. One simple form can help us identify customers need so they do not need to repeatedly ring in requesting information in their preferred format.

All information is treated as sensitive personal data and so will be safeguarded in accordance with the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018. The information will not be used to decide if you can use services provided by the Council.

Our standards are

  • To review and consult on our Single Equality Scheme at least once every four years.
  • To publish information annually on progress against our equality objectives.

Freedom of Information and Data Protection

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The Freedom of Information Act gives you the right to request information held by public authorities like North East Derbyshire District Council, the Act covers any recorded information that is held.

What are my rights?

If you make a written request for information to us you have the right to be told whether the information exists, and receive a copy of the information unless:

  • The information is subject to one or more of the exemptions contained in the Act (explained opposite)
  • Your request is considered a nuisance, unreasonable or repeated
  • The cost of providing the information exceeds the limit set by the Act. Once your request has been received we are required to respond to you within 20 working days and must:
  • Tell you whether we hold the information
  • Give you the information you have asked for if possible
  • Let you know if the information will not be available within the 20 working day deadline
  • Let you know if the information will not be released because of exemptions

The Publication Scheme

We are required to produce and maintain a document called the ‘Publication Scheme.’ This outlines the kind of information that will be automatically and routinely published by us, where it can be located and whether a charge for it will be made. You can view the scheme on our website or contact us on (01246) 231111 for a copy to be sent to you.

How do I make a request for information under the Act?

We ask that your request for information must:

  • Be in writing to (either in a letter or email) Letter: Freedom of Information, NEDDC, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, S42 6NG Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.By completing our online formOur Website
  • Give the name of the person asking for the information
  • Give an address for correspondence to be sent to
  • Describe the information that is required

What information is exempt?

In certain cases the law allows us to withhold information. Exemptions mainly apply where releasing the information would not be in the public interest. There are two types of exemption, as outlined below.

Absolute Exemptions

Some exemptions apply only to a particular category or class of information, such as information held for criminal investigations or information to be published at a future date. These are called class-based exemptions and do not require the Council to consider the public interest in disclosure.

Qualified Exemptions

Some exemptions require the Council to judge whether disclosure may cause a specific type of harm, for instance, endangering health and safety, prejudicing law enforcement, or prejudicing someone’s commercial interests. These are called prejudice-based exemptions. The Council has to undertake a public interest test to determine whether to disclose or not. A full list of the exemptions is included in our Freedom of Information Act Policy.

What happens if we refuse your request?

We can only refuse a request for information if it falls under one of the exemptions or it would cost more than £450 to answer the request. If your request is refused our reply will let you know why, and how you can apply for us to review our decision. You also have the right to complain about how your request was dealt with. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive following our review you can appeal to: The Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF Tel: 0303 123 1113, ICO Website.

Other relevant legislation

We must also comply with other laws which govern the way information is handled. These include:

  • The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 This gives you the right to see information that relates to the environment and anything which may have a negative effect upon it.
  • The Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulations.This gives you the right to see personal information which organisations hold about you.This legislation covers organisation’s obligations and your rights relating to your personal data. Further information can be found in our privacy statement’s which can be viewed on our website.

Identifying Council staff

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Council Identity Badges

All of our staff and councillors are issued with badges which clearly show their photograph, name and job title. Anyone calling at your home and claiming to be from the council should be able to produce an identity badge. Similarly, council staff working in parks or on the street should have their badge clearly displayed identifying which service area they belong to. You should not allow anyone into your home unless you are satisfied about his or her identity. You should not hand over cash or valuables to anyone from any organisation who does not have a means of identification. All staff working in council offices or public buildings will wear a name badge with their name clearly displayed.

How can I check whether an identity badge is genuine?

If you are unsure about a caller’s identity, don’t let them into your home. Take their name from their identity badge and call us on (01246) 231111. We will check and confirm whether they are genuine. A genuine member of our staff will not be offended if you do this, because we recognise that your peace of mind is important.

Making a payment to the Council

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There are a number of ways you can pay your Council Tax and Business Rates bill and, if you are a council tenant, also your rent.

Paying your Council Tax or Business Rates bill

Council Tax and Business Rates are payable in monthly instalments which are shown on your bill. You can pay any bill using the methods detailed below.

  • By Direct Debit: This is one of the most convenient ways to pay your bills. You can choose to make your payments on the 5th, 15th or 28th of the month. If you have not already opted to pay by Direct Debit, this can be set up online using our self-service system. To register visit our website.Alternatively you can set up a Direct Debit by calling (01246) 217600 or picking up a form from any of our offices.
  • Online: Log onto our website and follow the links to make a payment 24 hours per day using either a debit or credit card.
  • By telephone: You can pay via our automated payment line for Council Tax payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - call (01246) 217710 and follow the instructions. You can also make payments over the telephone for all other services by using either your debit or credit card by calling our customer service team on (01246) 217600 Monday to Friday between 9am to 5pm.Payments are credited to your account within one working day.
  • By Bacs transfer: Sort code: 30 80 12 Accounts number: 10736668
  • By Standing Order: Contact your bank, the Council’s Information you will require is: Sort Code: 30 80 12, Account Number: 10736668, NEDDC General Account. Address: City Office, PO Box 1000, Gillingham, BX1 1LT.
  • By PayPoint outlet: Pay cash at a local shop, Post office, petrol station, supermarkets showing the PayPoint outlet sign; you can also find a list of these outlets by visiting Don’t forget to take your bill so they can scan your barcode.

Paying your rent

  • By Direct Debit - Preferred payment method: Direct Debits are free to set up and make paying your rent hassle-free. They are monthly and can be set up for either 7th, 15th, 21st, 28th of each month for rent payments. You can download a form from the Rykneld Homes website at
  • Online: Log onto our website 24 hours per day and follow the links to make a payment using either a debit or credit card. You will need your rent reference number.
  • My Account - You can set up a My Account, a free online tool for Rykneld Homes customers to access their rent account details including payments made and rent due. You can also set up a Direct Debit on-line.
  • By telephone: You can call our customer services team on (01246) 217670 to make a payment over the phone, Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. All major credit and debit cards can be used, except American Express or Diners Club. Please have your rent account number to hand.
  • Automated Payment Line: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (01246) 217710.
  • By Bacs transfer: Sort code: 30 80 12 Accounts number: 10736668.
  • By Standing Order: Contact your bank, the Council’s Information you will require is: Sort Code: 30 80 12, Account Number: 10736668, NEDDC General Account Address: City Office, PO Box 1000, Gillingham, BX1 1LT.
  • Using a Rykneld Homes swipe card: You can pay your rent anywhere you see the PayZone logo, such as Post Offices, shops and garages. You can find a list of these outlets by visiting the PayZone website. All you need is your Rykneld Homes swipe card. For more information call (01246) 217670.

Invoice Payment Options

  • Online: Log onto our website at and follow the links to make a payment 24 hours per day using either a debit or credit card.
  • By telephone: You can make a payment over the telephone between Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on (01246) 217750.
  • Automated Payment Line: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (01246) 217710.
  • By Bacs transfer: Sort code: 30 80 12 Accounts number: 10736668
  • By Standing Order: Contact your bank, the Council’s Information you will require is: Sort Code: 30 80 12, Account Number: 10736668, NEDDC General Account Address: City Office, PO Box 1000, Gillingham, BX1 1LT.
  • By Direct Debit: Please note: Not all invoices are suitable to be paid direct debit, if you would like to discuss this further please call our Sundry Debtors Team on: (01246) 217863 or (01246) 217148.