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The NEWS Summer 2022

The NEWS Summer 2022

Welcome Message

Dear resident,

Hello and welcome to this bumper issue of the NEWS! We have so much happening across the whole of our district, we just had to share it with you. In the centre of this magazine you’ll find a special pull-out-and-keep guide for what you can do in North Derbyshire over the summer. From fun sessions for youngsters at our leisure centres over the six week holidays, to activities you can do for free with the family.

On the subject of leisure, I’m delighted we have received £1.33m of funding to de-carbonise Dronfield Sports Centre. The improvements are set to make the centre one of the first existing facilities to reduce its carbon emissions by 100% in the UK! I’m sure you’ll agree that this is amazing news for our District. (Page 3)In Killamarsh, the refurbished sports centre is getting ready to open its doors, so make sure you check out all the fantastic activities which will be coming very soon! (Page 22)

As the weather (hopefully!) warms up and some of us are lucky enough to get away on our holidays, please make sure you keep yourself and your possessions safe. We’ve put together some top tips to make sure everyone enjoys an incident-free summer. (Pages 8-11)

Finally, could I welcome our new Chair, Cllr Diana Ruff, and give thanks to everyone who helped our outgoing Chairman, Cllr Martin Thacker MBE, raise the record-breaking £79,500 for his Chair’s appeal in aid of Ashgate Hospice. Many congratulations to Cllr Thacker and his team on this fantastic achievement! (Pages 4-5) Wishing you all an enjoyable summer break.

Alex Dale, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council

Dronfield Sports Centre set to be one of the first facilities to be carbon neutral in UK!

We have received £1.33m funding to de-carbonise Dronfield Sports Centre and the improvements are set to make it one of the first existing facilities to reduce its carbon emissions by 100% in the UK.

The project will see old gas powered boilers replaced with air source heat pumps, the installation of solar panels helping offset 25% of the centre’s energy, which is already sourced from renewable energy, resulting in a £12,000 annual saving.

The Council has secured funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) as part of its Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS), delivered by Salix.

The scheme aims to put the public sector at the forefront of decarbonising buildings in the UK. As part of the work to decarbonise Dronfield Sports Centre, cavity wall insulation has also been installed around the building, as has new energy efficient LED lighting.

This further investment will result in a 100% decrease in carbon emissions as the centre will become carbon neutral upon completion of the works. The Council will continue to investigate other opportunities to further reduce energy consumption at the facility.

The 340T carbon saving is equivalent to not having to heat 126 family homes in the district – every single year, and by making these improvements to the existing facility sets this project apart from others in the UK as no additional carbon footprint or cost is generated by not needing to replace the facility with a new one.

Jake Helliwell, Programme Co-ordinator, from Salix Finance said: “We are delighted to be working with North East Derbyshire District Council on this exciting scheme. It’s very encouraging to see what a positive impact this will make on the leisure centre and everyone who uses it. “As someone who is from the area and grew up using the centre, it is great to see the tangible changes now being made in response to the climate emergency.

“It will be transformational for the area and make a real difference to the users, we cannot wait to see the Council achieve its carbon savings.”

Work is set to start at the centre in the summer of 2022 and be completed by spring 2023.

Minimal disruption is expected, within the facility, while the works are taking place although some works are expected in the Sports Hall to replace the gas heaters. Customers will be given sufficient advanced notice for any such works.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure, Cllr Alan Powell said: “This is a real statement project that I hope makes headlines across the UK to empower other leisure centres to follow suit in decarbonising their centres.

“Climate Change and saving money and energy are the core values for our residents and us as an authority and this project will see us making incredible efforts to ensure the safe and green future of the facility for our residents for the long term future.“The carbon reductions are fantastic and this is just one of our ongoing projects where we have already reduced carbon emissions at Eckington Pool by 66%.

“We are passionate about our environment and a green future and this project delivers – on a national scale.”

Pictured in the gardens of Ashgate Hospice: Consort Jean Spencer and NEDDC Chairman Cllr Martin Thacker MBE handing over the cheque for £79,500 to Barbara-Anne Walker, Chief Executive of Ashgate Hospice.

Chairman breaks all fundraising records!

A record-breaking £79,500 has been raised by our Chairman for Ashgate Hospice.

Cllr Martin Thacker MBE organised dozens of events during his year in office to raise cash for the good cause - the largest amount EVER received by the hospice from a council appeal!

Barbara-Anne Walker, Chief Executive at Ashgate Hospice, said: “I can’t express how grateful we are to Councillor Thacker, Jean Spencer, North East Derbyshire District Council and everyone who’s supported the fundraisers over the past 12 months.

“There is no doubt that Councillor Thacker and his team have gone above and beyond in their fundraising efforts – organising fun and exciting events all year round for everyone to attend and enjoy.

“To have raised such a significant amount of money will help us provide care for so many patients and their families across North Derbyshire.” The hospice added the figure is ‘the largest amount ever received by the hospice from a council appeal’ Dozens of fundraising events have taken place over the last year to bring in the money for Ashgate Hospice, including music events, talks, a talent show, themed nights, markets and craft fairs, tours of stately homes, a Chairman’s special edition gin and much, much more!

Cllr Martin Thacker MBE, said: “I’m absolutely over the moon with the amount raised. “Everyone is aware of the excellent work the charity does in providing specialist palliative and end of life care, as well as support to adults and their families across North Derbyshire.

“I always hoped we could hand over a substantial amount of money to the charity, but this has surpassed my expectations and I couldn’t be more delighted. “I’d therefore like to thank everyone who helped organise or attend events for helping me raise such a large sum for such a worthy cause.”

Pictured: Council Chairman, Cllr Martin Thacker MBE and Consort Jean Spencer arriving in style to the Peaky Blinders event at the Casa Hotel.

Cllr Thacker and Consort Jean Spencer, handed over the cheque during a special presentation event at Ashgate Hospice on Monday 23 May.

At the event, Cllr Thacker praised the hospice for working so closely with him for his fundraising appeal and also the ‘brilliant team’ for all they do in caring for the people who use the hospice’s services.

More information about Cllr Thacker’s fundraising events over the past year can be found on our website.

If you’d like to support Ashgate Hospice’s vital work through fundraising in the community, visit the Ashgate Hospice website or get in touch on 01246 567250 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pictured: Council Chairman, Cllr Martin Thacker MBE, with a bottle of the special edition pink gin.

New Chair elected

Pictured: New Council Chair Cllr Diana Ruff.

We have elected Cllr Diana Ruff as our new Chair of the Council for the up-coming civic year.

Cllr Ruff replaces departing chairman, Cllr Thacker and will be raising funds for Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) for her year in office. North East Derbyshire District Council Chair, Cllr Diana Ruff said: “It is an honour to be elected as Chair of North East Derbyshire District Council and I would like to congratulate Cllr Thacker on a fantastic year in office, raising an incredible amount of money for Ashgate Hospicecare.

“I am looking forward to also helping raise funds, this time for SSAFA, who can sometimes be a forgotten charity, one which is close to my heart after my father was a serving member of the Royal Navy”.

Save energy!

With energy costs rising, the following top ten tips from the Energy Agency could help you save cash and the environment.

  • Dry your clothes outside on the line. Only use the tumble dryer when you can’t dry your clothes outside as it’s one of the most costly appliances of the home.
  • Don't overcharge! Leaving your phone on charge all night can lead it to over charging and could lead to increased power consumption and battery damage.
  • Draught busting. Fit draught excluders to keep out the cold airflows, you’ll be surprised how much cold air sneaks in!
  • No half measures please. Whenever practical wait to wash a full load of clothes. Two half loads use twice as much energy and water.
  • Buy from the A-team. Keep an eye out for energy rating standards. A higher A rated appliance is cheaper to run over the lifetime of the product.
  • Don’t freeze up. De-frosting your freezer regularly makes it more efficient, not to mention easier to get the drawers open.
  • Don’t boil over. Kettles are energy intensive and over filling for what you need means it uses more energy. Put in what you need only!
  • A bright idea. If you don’t already, get into the habit of switching off lights in unused rooms.
  • No need to standby. Always make sure your TV, laptop and other electrical items aren’t left on standby.

It’s rubbish getting a fine

Pictured: Fly-tipping on Bailey Drive Killamarsh

We work hard throughout the year to make sure our district is kept clean and tidy. Please help us, by disposing of your waste carefully.


Planning a clear out this summer? Please make sure you dispose of your waste carefully!

If your waste is found fly tipped, even though you were not responsible, you will be required to explain the circumstances as to how it came to be fly tipped.

If you have failed in your householder duty of care by passing your waste to an unlicensed waste collector then you may receive a £200 fixed penalty notice.


All businesses produce waste and most types of business waste are classed as controlled waste. You have a legal responsibility to ensure that you produce, store, transport and dispose of controlled waste without harming the environment.

Businesses have a duty of care to ensure their waste is disposed of properly, and must retain waste transfer notes for a period of up to two years to prove this is the case.

Our Environmental Health Enforcement Officers are actively out in the district, inspecting businesses to ensure they are compliant with the law. If a business isn’t able to prove to an officer they dispose of their waste correctly by having a commercial arrangement in place, they will be issued with a notice to produce their waste documentation within ten days. Failure to comply will result in a £300 fixed penalty notice, which if not paid, will result in prosecution. We’ve recently issued several £300 fixed penalty notices to businesses who did not have appropriate waste arrangements in place and therefore failed to produce waste transfer notes.

Dog owners

Our district-wide Dog Management Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) makes it an offence to do the following in NE Derbyshire:

  • Allow a dog to foul without picking it up.
  • Not have the means to pick up.
  • Fail to put a dog on a lead when asked to do so by an authorised officer (for example, by a council officer or Derbyshire Constabulary).
  • Have more than six dogs in your control.
  • Allow dogs in designated play areas, multi-use games areas, skate parks and gym equipment areas.
  • Allow dogs to be off leads whilst on roads, pavements, footways, and in pedestrianised areas, cemeteries and churchyards.

Breaching a PSPO is a criminal offence is a criminal offence and enforcement officers can issue a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice if appropriate to do so or recommend commencement of legal proceedings.

Fly-tipping and littering

We’ve also increased the fixed penalty amounts for fly-tipping and littering.

Fly-tipping fixed penalties have now doubled to £400, while littering fixed penalties have increased from £80 to £150. We’ve also invested in high end cameras to catch fly-tippers in the act, so beware – we are watching you!

Did you know? You can report fly-tipping, littering and dog fouling to us 24/7, via our website.

Get garden party ready!

Summer is a perfect time to enjoy a barbecue with family and friends.

Cllr Carolyn Renwick, Cabinet Member for Community Safety said: “Summer is a perfect time to enjoy a barbecue with family and friends, but please make sure you keep yourself and others safe.”

BBQ - Food safety

Always ensure food is cooked thoroughly to avoid any nasty surprises – cooking tips and advice.

BBQ – Fire safety

Make sure your barbecue is always attended. Don’t light in an enclosed space and always make sure it’s fully extinguished before you leave it! Barbecue safety.

Don’t slip up!

  • Prevent injury from slips, trips and falls by providing safety rails and barriers to changes in garden levels and ensure all paths and steps are level, stable and free from moss. Home garden safety checklist.
  • If your party is going to be in the evening, ensure it’s well lit. The string lights look amazing at sunset but ensure they are hung up high and not a trip hazard for your guests!

Garden tools

When getting your garden neat and tidy for guests, protect yourself from electrocution by using a residual current device (RCD) when operating electrically powered mowers and tools. Garden Tools safety.

Keeping Children safe

  • Paddling pools can be great fun for the kids and adults too – make sure your children are always supervised and are aware of the dangers of water. Water safety at home.
  • Make sure your alcoholic drinks are out of reach of those little ones who are at your party.
  • Whilst you are chatting away with family and friends make sure you’ve applied sunblock to yourself and little ones and re-apply every 30 minutes.
  • Bouncy castles can be great fun for all the family to enjoy – always make sure it has been secured safely before use and children are supervised. Inflatables and safety precautions.

Locked away

After your party has finished, make sure you lock away any valuables. Sheds should be securely locked and valuables out of sight.

Stay safe this summer

If you are planning on going away this summer, then follow these few simple tips from our Community Safety Team to make sure your home looks as lived in as possible.

Cllr Carolyn Renwick, Cabinet Member for Community Safety said: “If you are planning on going away this summer, then follow these few simple tips from our Community Safety Team to make sure your home looks as lived in as possible.”

  • Use timer switches on lights to make your home look occupied in the evening.
  • If possible, leave a car on your driveway, or get a neighbour to park their car on your drive while you are away.
  • Ask a neighbour to check on your home while you are gone and move any post out of sight.
  • Cancel any regular deliveries, such as milk or newspapers.
  • If you have a lawn, cut it before you go and make sure you trim back any bushes or shrubs that burglars could hide behind.
  • Lock away valuables such as bicycles – they may be safer in your home than in an outhouse or shed.
  • Make sure you put car keys or garage keys out of sight in the house.

More information about our Community Safety Team.

Keep valuables out of sight!

Car owners are being urged to keep their vehicles locked and their valuables out of sight. Despite warnings, our Community Safety Team says some people are still leaving their vehicles insecure and items out on show.

Derbyshire Police has some top tips on its website about how to prevent thefts from vehicles, including:

  • Always lock you vehicle – even if you’re only going to be away from it for a moment.
  • Close windows and sun roof, to prevent people ‘fishing’ for items though the gap.
  • Secure number plates with tamper-resistant screws.
  • Fit locking, anti-tamper wheel nuts to secure alloy wheels.
  • Secure anything that’s on the outside of your vehicle, such as roof racks or holiday top boxes.
  • Never leave valuables such as wallets, handbags, purses and credit cards in an unattended vehicle.
  • Hide electrical items and leave no clues – suction marks or cables on view gives it away you have a Sat Nav, smartphone or other device in your car.
  • Park in well-lit and busier areas.

For more top tips on how to keep your vehicle and possessions secure, visit the Derbyshire Police website.

Keep your cool

As the temperature rises, it’s important your temper doesn’t too!

To tie in with Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week (18-24 July), our Community Safety Team will be out and about in the district talking with residents about tolerance and respect.

It follows a YouGov survey for Resolve, the UK’s leading Anti-Social Behaviour organisation and organiser of ASB Awareness Week, which found that despite national lockdowns imposed during the pandemic, more than one third (35%) of the UK public had experienced an increase in ASB in their local area, with just one percent believing the problem had ‘decreased a lot’.

In North East Derbyshire, although ASB complaints have also risen since Covid, our Community Safety Team is working hard with partners to tackle the problem through: advice to the public, mediation, out-of-court action such as Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and Community Protection Warnings, evidence gathering and in some cases fines.

To stop anti-social behaviour incidents from escalating, Derbyshire’s anti-social behaviour hub - made up of councils, the police and other organisations, has some top tips to help you keep your cool. Before reporting a problem, if the problem is not too serious, have you tried talking to the person involved? They may not realise they are causing a nuisance. Often there needs to be a balance of tolerance and respect. Some examples being:

  • A group of children gathering in the street or park. Although it may look intimidating, it does not mean they are looking to cause trouble. The kids might just be playing or socialising.
  • Families may sometimes be noisy. Often families may not realise how loud they are, so just having a quiet word with a neighbour could solve the problem.
  • Someone is being loud with DIY tasks. It won’t go on forever and we all need to improve our homes at times - unless this activity goes on into anti-social hours, it does not need reporting.
  • If someone is having a party. Is it just a one-off party for a celebration? If you are going to bed early, maybe just have a quiet word and see if they can make less noise.
  • If a dog is barking at a neighbour’s house. Maybe just talk to your neighbour about what the problem is and see if there is anything that they can do to rectify the issue before making a report.

Cllr Carolyn Renwick, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, said: “There will be times when our peace is disturbed by others, but often this is unintentional and may only last for a short period of time.

“In many cases there is no need to report it and just a quiet word will suffice. But if it is affecting your quality of life, or making you fear for your safety, please let the relevant authorities know so action can be taken.”

However, if anti-social behaviour is affecting your quality of life, or making you fear for your safety or the safety of others, then report it to us via our website or in the case of an emergency contact the Police on 999.

Summer of Fun

Go out and about in North East Derbyshire and discover the delights on your doorstep.

Keep your youngsters amused with the fantastic boredom-busting activities taking place at all four of our leisure centres this summer.

Dronfield Sports Centre

Monday 25 July - Sunday 28 August 2022


Fun with floats and rafts in the pool - parents and families welcome!

Dates: Every Monday from 1 August to 22 August.

Time: 10.45am to 11.45am.

Dates: Every Thursday from 28 July to 25 August.

Time: 2pm to 3pm.

Dates: Every Saturday from 30 July to 20 August.

Time: 3.15pm to 4.15pm.

Cost: Adults £4.50, juniors £4.00, family £12.00 and under 5s FREE!

Crazy Gang - 6 to 12yrs

A whole range of wacky games and activities, as well as some sporting activities to suit everyone.

Dates: Every Monday from 1 August to 22 August.

Time: 1pm to 4pm.

Dates: Every Friday from 5 August to 26 August.

Time: 12.45pm to 3.45pm.

Cost: £7.50 per session.

Soccer Stars Soccer Coaching

Improve your skills, have a great time and enjoy the game. Skills, training and practises with qualified licensed FA coaches. For ages 4 to 7yrs. (Please pay the coach in the hall).

Dates: Every Tuesday from 26 July to 16 August.

Time: 9.15am to 10.30am.

Cost: £4.50 per session.

For more information or to book your place, contact Richard on 07779 613944 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Remember the five Ds of Dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge! Fun-packed sessions for 7 to 12yrs.

Dates: Every Tuesday from 2 August to 23 August.

Time: 1pm to 3pm.

Cost: £5.50 per session.

Roller Disco Sessions

High energy skating with thumping beats and amazing lights.

Dates: Thursday 18th August & Thursday 25th August.

Time: 2.30pm to 3.45pm

Cost: £6.00

Skate hire £1.50,

Family tickets of: three £17.50, four £25 and five £32,50.

For more details visit the Roller Energy Facebook page.

Crash course swimming lessons for beginners

The lessons are for beginner swimmers ONLY with the aim to provide water confidence whilst taking part in fun activities and getting rid of those arm bands. Reduced class numbers to 8 per class. For ages 4½ to 8 yrs.

Dates: Monday 1 August to Friday 5 August and Monday 15 August to Friday 19 August.

Time: 8.30am to 9.00am and 9.00am to 9.30am.

Cost: £42.50 for the 5 days

Charlies’s CPR Crew - Children's first aid training

Session1: Covers calling for help, CPR and the recovery position.

Date: Sunday 7 August

Time: 10.30am to 12.20pm

Cost: £20.00

Session 2: Covering bleeding bumps and bandages.

Date: Sunday 21 August

Time: 10.30am to 12.20pm

Cost: £20.00

To book your place, Tel: 07398 740 816.

Eckington Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre

Monday 25 July - Sunday 28 August 2022

Junior Gym - For ages 11-14 years*

Dates: Every Monday to Friday from 25 July to 26 August.

Time: 4pm to 5pm.

Cost: £3.75 per session.

Includes a FREE swim after.

*Parental consent forms must be provided prior to youngsters attending these sessions. Outside of these times, under 15’s must be accompanied by an adult in the gym.

Aquafun Sessions

Come and try ‘The Beast’ a 15m obstacle course. Please note the inflatable is in deep water so those using it must be a competent swimmer and able to swim at least two lengths.

Dates: Every Monday & Wednesday from 25 July to 24 August.

Time: 1.30pm to 3.00pm Pool closes at 1.15pm for set up and will re-open at 3.30pm.

Payments taken 30 mins prior to session start.

Cost: Adults £4.50, juniors £4.00, family £12.00 and under 5s FREE!

Our large inflatable is also available every Saturday, from 1.30pm to 2.30pm and 2.45pm to 3.45pm.

Table Tennis

Two tables available at varying times. Includes bats and balls. Open to all ages, junior to adult. Bookable in advance.

Cost: £5.20 for one hour hire.

Enquire at reception for availability.

Café and FREE soft play area

Enjoy a great selection of hot and cold drinks and snacks seven days a week, including our popular kids’ Slush drinks!

Eckington Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre Monday 25 July - Sunday 28 August 2022 Programme may be subject to change. Note: Tuesdays 9.15am deep end closed for Aquajog. Wednesdays, 9.30am to 10.15am shallow end closed for Aquacise. Swimming lesson break 29 August, restart Monday 4 September. Facility Closed Bank Holiday Monday 29 August.

Sharley Park Leisure Centre

Monday 25 July - Sunday 28 August 2022

Summer Fun days - full day of activities

This is a full day of supervised fun activities. Take part in a variety of activities from disc golf, aqua fun, football, dodgeball, netball, and many more. The price includes access into our big splash inflatable aqua fun session. Be sure to bring your swimming kit, a pack lunch and plenty of drinks. Age 8 to 13 yrs.

Dates: Monday 1 and 15 August.

Time: 8.30am to 3.30pm.

Cost: £15.00.


Wet and wild fun for all the family, featuring the giant pool inflatable obstacle course. Children under 8 yrs must be accompanied by an adult.

Please note the inflatable is in deep water so those using it must be a competent swimmer and able to swim at least two lengths.

Dates: Monday 25 July and 1, 8, 15 and 22 August.

Time: 1.15pm to 2.15pm.

Dates: Thursday 28 July and 4, 11, 18 and 25 August.

Time: 1.15pm to 2.15pm.

Dates: Saturday 30 July and 6, 13, 20 and 27 August.

Time: 3.00pm to 4.00pm.

Cost: Adults £4.50, juniors £4.00, family £12.00 and under 5s FREE!

Junior Gyms

Supervised gym session providing a safe and effective fitness and toning workout for 11 to 14 yrs.

Dates: Monday 25 July, 1, 8, 15, & 22 August, Tuesday 26 July, 2, 9, 16 & 23 August and Wednesday 27 July, 3, 10, 17 & 24 August.

Time: 4pm to 4.45pm.

Cost: £3.75.

Flip and Fun

Learn how to use a mask and flippers in a fun environment. Session will incorporate lots of fun and games and will include the use of snorkels and body boards. All equipment provided. Takes place in deep water so those attending must be competent swimmers able to swim at least two lengths.

Dates: Tuesday 26 July and 2, 9, 16 and 23 August.

Time: 10.45am to 11.45am.

Cost: £3.90.

Aqua Games

Take part in fun games and activities from water polo and raft races to water dodgeball and many more! Session will incorporate lots of fun activities and games with a variety of equipment. All equipment provided. Takes place in shallow water in the small pool. Those attending must be confident in the water. For age 8 to 13 yrs.

Dates: Friday 29 July and 5, 12, 19 and 26 August.

Time: 10.00am to 11.00am.

Cost: £3.90.

Just Play

Juniors can play badminton or squash anytime Monday to Friday up to 3pm for £1 per person. Equipment hire included. Subject to availability.

Crash course swimming lessons for beginners

The lessons are for beginner swimmers ONLY with the aim to provide water confidence whilst taking part in fun activities and getting rid of those arm bands. Reduced class numbers to 8 per class. For ages 4½ to 8 yrs.

Dates: Monday 25 to Friday 29 July.

Time: 9.00am to 9.30am.

Dates: Monday 1 to Friday 5 August.

Time: 9.30am to 10.00am.

Cost: £42.50 for the 5 days.

New customers please note that attendance on our crash course swimming lessons does not guarantee you a space on our learn to swim programme.

Disc Golf

What is disc golf? A fun game for all the family, where players throw a disc at a target, using rules similar to golf. The nine ‘hole’ course is situated in the rural surroundings of Sharley Park. The course is open all year round and is FREE to use!

Discs available to hire or purchase from Sharley Park Leisure Centre reception. All-purpose discs can be hired for a £5 deposit or purchase: General all-purpose beginner disc for £5, three disc starter pack for £16.99.

What’s on in North East Derbyshire?


Rotary Classic Car and Bike Show

Sunday 17 July, 10am to 4pm at Ashover Showground, Milken Lane, Ashover, Chesterfield S45 0BA. Ashover Classic website.

Ashover Show

Wednesday 10 August 2022, 9am to dusk at Ashover Showground, Milken Lane, Ashover, Chesterfield S45 0BA. Ashover Show website.

Festival of Light

Starting at 6pm Friday 30 September to Sunday 2nd October at Ashover Showground, Milken Lane, Ashover, Chesterfield S45 0BA. Festival of Light Ashover.


Brackenfield Heritage Trail Launch

Sunday 17 July, from 10am at Brackenfield Church Hall DE55 6AQ. Heritage trail website.


Barlow Open Gardens

Sunday 3 July, 10am to 5pm, Barlow, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire. £6.00 adults, accompanied under 12s free. Barlow open gardens.

Barlow Carnival

17 to 21 August at Barlow Village and Recreation Ground. Beginning with the Blessing of the Wells on Wednesday 17 August 2022. Carnival day is Saturday 20 August. Barlow Carnival.



Every Wednesday, doors open 6.30pm at Clay Cross Social Centre. Free interval refreshments. Six games £2.50 / 1 Flyer £2. For further information contact: Clay Cross Parish Council.

Northern Soul Night

Friday 15 July 2022, 7.30pm to midnight at Clay Cross Social Centre. £4 on the door. Track soul club Chesterfield.

DANCE - Social Mixed Sequence - With Pauline & John Stringfellow

Every Thursday, doors open 7pm at Clay Cross Social Centre. New dancers always welcome. Admission £2.50 per person. For further information contact Clay Cross Parish Council

Book Buddies Derbyshire

Fortnightly meetings on Fridays, 10.30am at Wellies @ The Bret Club. An ‘untraditional’ book club for Clay Cross and surrounding areas. To book your place contact Debbie Saint on 07773 201033 for more information This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Children’s Craft

Thursday 4, 11, 18 and 25 August, 10am to 3pm at Dronfield Hall Barn. £2.50 per child.

All material is provided. No booking required. Call 01246 418122.

Victorian Weekend

Saturday and Sunday 10 & 11 September, 10am to 4pm at Dronfield Hall Barn. Call 01246 418122.


Birkfest 2022

Sunday 17 July, 12noon to 10pm at Westfield House, Middle Handley, S21 5RY. Birkfest Facebook.


Peak District Highland Games

Sunday 28 August, 9am to 5.30pm at Matlock Farm Park. Pre-book ticket event. Adults £17.95, Children £14.95 (Under 2’s free). Tickets can be purchased on the Matlock Farm Park website.


Arts, Crafts, Gifts and Bric a Brac Event

Saturday 10 September, 10am to 3pm at Shirland Village Hall. Free entry. Refreshments available. In aid of NEDDC Chair’s Charity SSAFA.


Wingerworth Produce and Craft Show

Saturday 10 September, 2pm at All Saints Church, Longedge Lane, Wingerworth. A fine display of horticulture and crafts.


To be held at:

  • Coal Aston: 2nd to 8 July
  • Dronfield: 15 to 22 July
  • Heath: 16 to 23 July
  • Barlow: 17 to 24 August

15 things to do for free

Looking for something to do at the weekend or want to try a new adventure? North East Derbyshire is the perfect place to go exploring with the little ones or to find some hidden gems away from the tourist honey pots like the Peak District and best of all, these amazing sites are free for everyone to enjoy! If you have a favourite beauty spot in the district

You can view our full list on our 15 things to do for free.

2022 Peak District Highland Games

You can book your tickets on the Matlock Farm Park website.

Calling all young Swimmers!

Visit our Leisure site to find out more!

Diane’s determination towards a healthier lifestyle!

Pictured: Diane Thompson

A Clay Cross mum is losing weight and feeling great, thanks to a free health scheme.

Diane Thompson, said she didn’t like the way she looked and at one stage wore size 26/28 clothes and was unable to enjoy life as she wanted, such as riding on her husband’s motorbike with him in the summer.

Diane who suffers from arthritis, was told by her doctor she had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. She was advised to join the Exercise by Referral scheme to help her lose weight and improve her health.

Exercise by Referral Derbyshire is a 12 week scheme to help people with long term conditions increase their physical activity. As well as gym sessions, other health referral activities can include swimming, low impact circuit training, seated exercise and Forever Active sessions. Diane, (55) from Elm Grove, Clay Cross, said: “It was hard work, very hard work. I was in the gym twice a week, and on the Thursday I did swimming. I enjoyed that every week. I didn’t swim very fast, but I’d do that for about an hour and a half.”

Since finishing the Exercise by Referral scheme, Diane still goes to the gym and participates in Aquafit every Thursday at Sharley Park Leisure Centre. She added: “It’s very hard work, very tiring, but very rewarding the next day when you wake up and realise you can barely walk! “If someone was thinking about starting, I’d tell them to join. It’s rewarding, you meet a lot of new friends and you see a lot of new faces that are very helpful. “If you need help with assistance in the gym or swimming you’ve got help on hand 24/7, I’d recommend to anyone to give it a go.

“Having already lost a stone my goal is to lose 5 more! I’m 19 stone 11lbs and I’d like to get to 14, maybe even less. My partner backs me, my children back me so I’ve got a lot of support, and I eat sensibly and healthy.” Mark Walsham, Healthy Lifestyles and Operations Officer said: “It’s fantastic to be able to assist local residents like Diane on their journey to be a healthier version of themselves, long may that journey continue.”

Anyone who thinks they could benefit from Exercise by Referral Derbyshire should get in touch with their GP, who will assess them to see if exercise could help manage their condition.

COMING SOON! Killamarsh sports Centre

Your new-look Killamarsh Sports Centre is set to open its doors this summer as our £1.9m revamp is almost complete!

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Take a look below for some of the fantastic activities you can expect to see once the centre re-opens.

0-4 Years

  • Killamarsh Bears Nursery
  • Gymnastics/Tiny
  • Tumblers
  • Phonics Bears
  • Music with Mums
  • Soft Play Kingdom
  • Mum and Baby Fitness Class
  • Didi Dance
  • Baby Sensory
  • SEN groups

4-11 years

  • Arrows Basketball
  • Martial Arts
  • Pro-coaching Football
  • Cricket Club
  • Multi-sport Parties
  • Skate Park
  • Gymnastics/Tiny Tumblers
  • Soft Play Kingdom
  • 3G Football
  • School Holiday Activities
  • Roller Energy
  • Bike Ability
  • Extreme Wheels - Skateboarding, BMX activities
  • Drama Club
  • SEN groups

12-15 years

  • Badminton coaching
  • Arrows Basketball
  • Martial Arts
  • Pro-coaching Football.
  • Cricket Club
  • Squash
  • Multi-sport Parties
  • Skate Park
  • Gymnastics
  • 3G Football
  • School Holiday Activities
  • Roller Energy
  • Youth Chill Out Zone
  • Junior Gym (11-14 years)
  • Extreme Wheels - Skateboarding, BMX activities

16 & over

  • Badminton Club
  • Arrows Basketball
  • Martial Arts
  • Gym sessions
  • Netball Leagues
  • Squash
  • Cardiac Rehab Classes
  • Chair Based Classes
  • Model Aeroplanes
  • Kestrels Running Club
  • Walking Group
  • Walking Football
  • Table Tennis
  • Skate Park
  • GP Referral
  • 3G Football
  • Get Back into Sports
  • Fitness Classes
  • Extreme Wheels - Skateboarding, BMX activities
  • Bowls
  • Kurling

60 and over

  • Martial Arts
  • Bowls
  • Kurling
  • Netball Leagues
  • Squash
  • Cardiac Rehab Classes
  • Chair Based Classes
  • Model Aeroplanes & Cars
  • Kestrels Running Club
  • Walking Group
  • Walking Football
  • Table Tennis
  • 3G Football
  • Get Back into Sports
  • Fitness Classes
  • Forever Active multi-activity sessions

Improvements include:

  • Extensive refurbishment throughout, including a new entrance area.
  • Café, with a great food and beverage offer.
  • Refreshed Squash Courts
  • Cleaned resealed Sports Hall floor
  • Multi-floor soft play kingdom, with ball pits and slides.
  • A community Changing Places facility for people with disabilities.
  • Cycle/Spin studio.
  • 80-station fitness suite over two floors.
  • Fitness class studio space, including virtual instructor provision.
  • Improved car park.
  • Refurbished football pitch, with multi-pitch playing areas.
  • We are also working with Derbyshire County Council to move the existing library into the leisure centre.

Sign up!

Keep up-to-date with all the latest news from all our leisure centres, including Killamarsh, by signing up to get updates straight to your inbox! Sign up here.

Never too late to take the plunge

Pictured: Jane in the pool at Eckington Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre.

If you have a fear of water, you are not alone. There are others just like you, right here in North Derbyshire.

But, thanks to our new one-to-one Aquaphobia Learning Programme, people are now conquering their fears and accomplishing more in the pool than they ever thought possible!

Jane (63), from Eckington, signed up for the Aquaphobia Learning Programme after seeing it advertised online. She said: “When I saw it, I thought that’s perfect for me! I’ve always wanted to conquer this fear.

“I can swim, but not very well. School swimming lessons put me off. I didn’t enjoy that at all – the smell, the noise. Everything about it I didn’t like.”

Jane says she’s always had a fear of not been able to touch the bottom and getting her head wet, but thanks to the aquaphobia course her confidence has improved massively and she’s now able to swim in the deep end and even retrieve items from the bottom of the pool!

Jane added: “I’d resigned myself to swimming is not my thing, but it is my thing! I feel really comfortable now. It’s a fabulous programme and I can’t praise it enough.” She’s now planning on surprising her daughter when she visits her in Australia later in the year and even hopes to swim on the Great Barrier Reef!

Ann Lindley, who leads the sessions, said: “NEDDC has a number of Advanced Aquaphobia Coaches who understand that everyone is on their own journey, therefore all sessions are tailored to the customers’ needs, on a 1-2-1 basis and at the client’s own pace without any pressure to achieve to any specific timescale.

Pictured: Jane with her certificate and badge for swimming 20 metres.

“During the sessions, customers will never be asked to do anything they are not comfortable with or ready for, however they will be taken out of their comfort zone in a calm and controlled way.” After recognising the need for these type of sessions, NEDDC has recently invested in six members of staff to undertake their Advanced Aquaphobia Coaching certification.

Kerry (41), from Barlborough, signed up for sessions after seeing them advertised on Facebook. Kerry, said: “I had a fear of water from an incident in primary school which left me traumatised for years. “I had always wanted to learn, but the older I got the more I felt conscious of doing it. I couldn’t swim at all before I started the classes. I’ve been doing them now since February and I am just getting my confidence to believe I can do it.

“I am swimming on my own to a certain degree, but every week it’s getting better and better. I would recommend this to anyone who has a fear. Ann has been amazing, she put me at ease as soon as I met her. She has so much patience which you need for these lessons.

“My message to anyone who is thinking about this is do it. You’re never too old or too body conscious to do this and the feeling you get when you finally swim alone is amazing.”

The Aquaphobia Learning Programme is part of the Institute of Aquaphobia and run in partnership with the STA. More information can be found on our website.

Our Aquaphobia Learning Programme runs at Dronfield Sports Centre, Eckington Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre and Sharley Park Leisure Centre. To find out more, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01246 217570.

Calling all job seekers!

Missed our last jobs fair? Don’t worry, we have more taking place soon!

We’ve teamed up with JobCentre Plus for the events, which will take place on Wednesday 13 July, 10am to 12noon in The Cricket Pavilion, Heath Road, Rear of MW Social Club, Holmewood and Thursday 29 September at Dronfield Sports Centre, with more planned in 2023.

The fairs, led by our Community Employment Advisor Mark Szadura, are a great chance for those looking for work to get help and support, or for those already in work to find a new career. There will be lots of career opportunities available on the day from a range of sectors including: clerical, hospitality, social care, manufacturing, logistics, transport and many more!

In addition there will be training opportunities and assistance with CV writing and applying for vacancies. Find out what some people who visited May’s Eckington session had to say: Jobseeker Damion Davies, from New Whittington, said: “It’s a good idea. It helps and is better than being sat on the settee and hopefully I’ve found a potential job. “I definitely think you want to do more of these events. If anyone is out of work and doesn’t know what to do, come to these sort of places – it makes sense!”

Andrew Wombell from Highwood Place, Eckington, said: “Mark is great. He’s helped me out in the past getting my DBS. Events like these job fairs are a good idea for people to find out what’s out there.”

Job seeker Glyn Farrington, from Orchard Square, Dronfield, said: “It’s the first time I’ve been to a job fair. People are giving me different ideas, so it’s worth it. You’ve got nothing to lose really!”

Amy O’Brien, Primary Consultant from Education World Ltd, said: “It was a great event where I could meet local people and find what line of work they were looking for.

“It was also a good way of promoting Education World and the work we can provide because people might not have considered being a teaching assistant, lunch time supervisor or a cleaner in schools. The event itself was really well structured, it was a great turn out and I look forward to doing more events in the future!”

If you are an employer with vacancies and would like to reserve a table free of charge at future Jobs Fairs contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 07973 343383. If you would like updates about local Jobs and training opportunities register on our employability page or keep a look out on our social media.

Looking for work? If you live in NE Derbyshire and are unemployed or facing redundancy, and are looking for work, you don’t have to go it alone! FREE information, advice and support is available through our Working Communities Project.

North East Derbyshire resident success with new business

Francesca McCann started a new business “Francesca’s Recruitment” based in Grassmoor, at the beginning of May 2021, after having been made redundant from her previous work due to the Pandemic.

Pictured: Francesca McCann

After having thought about setting up on her own long and hard, she decided to go for it!

“People thought I was very brave, but others were more concerned. I just thought, what have I got to lose? If it doesn’t work out, I’ll get another job.” A year later, Francesca’s business is thriving, and she even has plans to employ more people in the future.

She said: “I absolutely wouldn’t look back and this is really the best thing I have ever done. I can’t see myself going back to working for someone else. I’ve been operating my business from home, but am at the point now where I am looking for premises and hoping to be able to recruit someone to work with me.” Part of Francesca’s journey has been advice and guidance from the Vision Derbyshire Business Start Up Scheme.

Francesca started working with a specialist business adviser with the scheme in November as she was wanting to find out more about employing someone and looking for premises.

Sarah Smith supported Francesca with business planning and cash flow. Francesca said: “Sarah was a great sounding board, and it was great to be able to talk through lots of different ideas, and have an independent viewpoint. I’ve now got a great toolkit which will stand me in good stead for the future.”

The Vision Derbyshire Business Start Up Scheme is running until late 2023 and open for applications from all industry sectors, including the visitor economy. Your business should be within its first 12 months of trading and be based in Derbyshire. For further information visit the Vision Derbyshire Business Support page.

You can find out more about Francesca’s Recruitment on her website.

Housing investment in our district

We are celebrating the completion of a major £12.5million housing investment scheme in North East Derbyshire that will improve the lives of hundreds of residents

Pictured above: homes in Mickley after the EWI works.

In June, the Council, in partnership with Rykneld Homes, completed improvement works to more than 400 council-owned hard to heat properties across the district.

The work was carried out over the past 18 months with the support of more than £2million of Government Green Homes funding – money given to councils able to demonstrate their commitment to improve hard to heat homes, tackle climate change and promote carbon reduction initiatives. North East Derbyshire District Council was amongst the first councils in the country to complete its Green Homes investment programme, despite the challenges posed by the Covid pandemic.

The scheme saw external wall insulation (EWI) fitted to properties in Mickley, North Wingfield, Dronfield, Unstone, Eckington, Renishaw, Holmesfield, Barlow, Wessington, Holymoorside, Cutthorpe and Woolley Moor as well as new roofs and windows where needed, along with other external enhancements. Now the houses have been insulated the total carbon saving in North East Derbyshire will be 335 tonnes per year and a total of 9,715 tonnes by 2050. Councillor Martin Thacker, a member of the Rykneld Homes Board, dropped in to visit the home of tenants Barbara and Maynard Needham in Cutthorpe which has undergone EWI works.

Pictured, L to R: Former Council Chairman, Councillor Martin Thacker, Consort Jean Spencer, Barbara and Maynard Needham and Niall Clark, Director of Property Services and Development at Rykneld Homes outside the Cutthorpe home of Mr and Mrs Needham which has undergone EWI regeneration.

“Before the house used to get very hot in summer and very cold in winter and could be really uncomfortable. Now, if we need to, the heating goes on for an hour and that is enough to keep it nice and warm.”

A customer in Dronfield said: “I am really pleased with the work. The house looks beautiful and so much better than before. The house used to be difficult to keep warm and the minute you turned the heating off it went back cold very quickly.” A customer in Unstone said: “I’m starting to notice a difference in the warmth of the house since the works have been done. It really keeps the heat in.” Two local MPs have visited the EWI works to check on progress and chat with customers. North East Derbyshire MP Lee Rowley visited homes in Unstone where 42 homes have undergone EWI works.

“Thanks to partnership working between North East Derbyshire District Council, Rykneld Homes and central government we have been able to bring together funding to carry out these energy efficiency works which have benefited tenants across the district.” Bolsover MP Mark Fletcher called in to see EWI work on council homes in Mickley. It is fantastic to see investment in a community that has felt overlooked for too long. The Mickley project shows that in Derbyshire we can lead the charge by working together.” This is just one of the home investment programmes developed by the Council to support the housing needs of our residents, now and for generations to come.

Pictured: homes in Mickley before the start of EWI improvements.

Other Investments include:

New homes in North Wingfield

The Council has committed to regeneration proposals on the Whiteleas estate in North Wingfield. A planning application for a development of 72 homes - a mixture of homes for rent, shared ownership and open market sale has been submitted. The scheme is part of Rykneld Homes, and the Council’s long-term regeneration plans for nontraditionally built properties.

New homes in Danesmoor

  • Work is well underway on the building of nine new bungalows on the Pine View estate in Danesmoor. The £1.6million scheme will see homes built using some of the latest energy efficiency technology as part of the Council’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions in the district. They are scheduled for completion early next year.
  • An extra £18,000 will be spent on each new property to fit them with:
  • Air source heat pumps
  • Solar photovoltaic PV panels
  • Electric vehicle charging points
  • Sprinkler systems
  • A full customer care package including remote door entry, fall notification and a care alarm

Parking spaces are also being created for the use of existing residents.

Turning over a new leaf in Clay Cross

Our Walking into Communities project aims to tackle physical inactivity and social isolation within Clay Cross.

During lockdown number three, an online book club was developed where residents came together to discuss Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

The Derbyshire written novel was delivered to residents’ doors and book club attendees thoroughly enjoyed discussing the popular, humorous love story. Attendees participated in individual weekly readings and then on Monday evenings the group came together for light-hearted conversation. The group enjoyed their Monday evenings so much, they decided to continue with the sessions and suggestions were made for the group’s next book.

Laurie Lee’s Cider with Rosie was chosen and the group moved to a fortnightly online session format. More new attendees joined at this point and were welcomed with open arms by existing participants. Many attendees hadn’t been in a book club before, and said they liked the untraditional format of the group. The group continued to meet up online during 2021, reading and discussing Middlemarch by George Eliot and Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier and also enjoyed meeting up every couple of months for a coffee and chat in Clay Cross. It was at one of these in person meet ups where the group chose their group name “Book Buddies” which fittingly emphasises both the reading and social aspect to this group.

Book Buddies have recently decided to change their regular meetings to in person meet ups rather than online. They currently meet at 11.30am at Wellies at the Bret Club fortnightly on Friday mornings. The book club is open to all residents of Clay Cross and surrounding areas. If you would like to find out more about the group, or are interested in joining, please contact Walking into Communities Officer Debbie on 07773201033 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As Jane Austen once said: “I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!”

Community Corner - You've got a friend in me

Pictured: Brian with Beccy’s dog Sebastian.

B:friend is a small charity that has recently started working in NE Derbyshire, Chesterfield and Bolsover.

We offer a befriending service for isolated or lonely people over the age of 65. Volunteer befrienders pledge to visit the person in their home for an hour every week for a cuppa and a chat. There is no charge to the service and the hope is that a friendship develops that lasts long into the future. All volunteers undergo an enhanced DBS check and are supported throughout by a volunteer coordinator who they can contact at any time.

B:friend formed in 2017 and has been working in South Yorkshire for the last five years. In this time hundreds of befriender pairings have been made and many brilliant friendships have developed. Brian was feeling quite isolated after his wife passed away. He wasn’t leaving the house often and his confidence was very low. He heard about b:friend and was paired up with a volunteer who has been visiting him every week for the past three years.

In this time Brian has got to know Beccy’s friends and family, they have been on day trips together, baked cakes, been out for meals…the list is endless. Brian has said that having a befriender has changed his life; that it has given him things to look forward to each week and he is no longer sat bored in his house every single day. B:friend are now looking for volunteers to join us and improve the lives of people who otherwise have very little company.

If people wish to volunteer they can apply to do so through their website.

Keeping you connected

It’s over a year since Clay Cross was awarded £24.1m from the Government, as part of a highly successful Town Fund bid to kickstart regeneration in the town.

To keep you up-to-date with all the projects that are planned to take place (from a new state-of-the-art leisure centre, to environmental, transport and town centre improvements), we have a new website Please keep checking back for updates, as our plans progress.

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Advice Line

As the chances of good weather increase and we begin to look forward to a holiday we thought it would be helpful to think about what your rights are if things don’t go to plan.

The first thing to be aware of is that if you have a problem on holiday to report it as soon as possible even while still on holiday, for example if you experience an issue with a hotel room. Unfortunately you can’t get compensation just because you don’t enjoy the holiday, if the weather is bad or if you have already received compensation (for instance if the hotel compensated you when you complained). But if you experience other problems, such as rooms not being the standard booked, problems with services not being included that you paid, you can make a claim for compensation and this should be done via the company you made the contract with, this may be a travel agent or if you booked independently directly to the holiday provider.

If you have a delayed flight you may be entitled to compensation, there are rules about how long a delay is acceptable before compensation is payable depending on the length of the flight so seek advice if you need to. If the flight is cancelled you have the right to either a full refund or a replacement flight and depending on the circumstances you may also have other rights to compensation or help with additional costs for accommodation (for example). If you are travelling and suffer lost or damaged luggage you have the legal right to claim compensation from the airline if your checked-in luggage is delayed, lost or damaged. You only have the right to claim for a problem with cabin baggage if it’s the airline’s fault. You will need to provide as much evidence as possible to the airline for any claim for loss or damage and the amount of compensation is usually a lot less than £1000.

The best advice would be to take out a travel insurance policy, but check on any existing policies you have to see whether these cover your holiday.

Some tips for travelling abroad are:

  • Ensure your passport will be valid for the dates your traveling well in advance in case you need to renew it (you’ll need a new passport if there is less than three months on it before you travel or if it’s over 10 years old).
  • Check any travel guidance from the government relating to your destination(s), some countries may have additional requirements relating to Covid precautions still.
  • Check you have the right documentation for any pets travelling with you.
  • If you’re driving ensure you have all the required licences and documents.
  • Check whether you’ll have to pay extra charges for using your mobile phone abroad.
  • Find out if your bank applies any fees for using credit/debit cards abroad.
  • Book appropriate insurance.

For further advice and information contact your local bureau by phone 080 8250 5702 Website:

Your Community Bank is here to Help

If Inflation, increased fuel bills and tax rises are putting your finances under strain, perhaps your Community Bank could help ease the pressure.

Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial co-operative owned and controlled by its members and based in Chesterfield. We offer a range of loan and savings products designed to help our members make the most of their money. Members typically borrow for home appliances, holidays, home repairs, paying bills and back to school. We will consider most reasons to borrow and all loans are at fair and reasonable rates of interest with flexible repayment terms.

The Community Bank is here to help and you do not need savings or a perfect credit record to get a loan. Saving is however regarded as important and all members are encouraged to save as they borrow. As Manager Alan Ward says: “Learn to save, it can be done. When you borrow from us, it’s your fellow members’ savings you are borrowing, so you need to be mindful of the trust placed”. (All loans are subject to affordability and credit checks).

CNEDCU’s services are available to everyone who lives or works in Derbyshire. For more information about joining, borrowing from and i saving with your Community Bank see the Community Bank website.

Pictured: Manager of Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire Credit Union, Alan Ward at the office on Soresby Street, Chesterfield.

Financial support and other helpful numbers

We know some people may find it a struggle to make ends meets, dealing with debt, claiming benefits, looking for work and more.

To help support residents address these issues the Council is working with the Healthy North East Derbyshire Partnership and its partners in the Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Bolsover Financial Inclusion Group to publicise the free help and advice that is available locally. We have also included contacts from our existing Helpful Numbers list, making it all accessible in one place.

Finance Related Matters

North East Derbyshire District Council -Tel: 01246 231111, Website: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,Text: 07800 00 24 25

Rykneld HomesTel: 01246 217670 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire Credit UnionTel: 01246 278 833 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Christians Against Poverty Debt Counselling

Citizen’s Advice North East DerbyshireAdvice Helpline 0808 250 5702 or for GP Surgery Outreaches contact your GP surgery to book a telephone appointment.

Derbyshire County Council Welfare RightsTel: 01629 531535 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Free British Sign Language Video Relay ServiceFor deaf claimants accessing Universal Credit. Visit the website

Food Banks - For information on food banks near you visit the website for Rural Action Derbyshire or call 01629 529970.

Job Centre Plus - Tel: 0800 055 6688, Textphone: 0800 023 4888.

Universal Credit - Helpline: 0800 328 5644 or Textphone: 0800 328 1344.

Money Sorted Personal Navigators at Derbyshire Law Centre -

Tel: 01246 550674 or 0800 707 6990, Text: 07781 482 826 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; at Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre Tel: 01246 231441, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Education and skills

Derbyshire County Council Libraries - Tel: 01629 533444 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book use of a library computer or for digital skills support (over phone) or if you have an enquiry.

Derbyshire National Careers Service - For aged 19yrs+ or age 18 if not in education or employment NED & Bolsover, Tel: 07767 670797, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mental Health and Family Services

Alcoholics Anonymous - Tel: 0800 9177 650

Anxiety UK - Tel: 03444 775 774

Childline - Tel: 0800 1111

Derbyshire Carers Association - Tel: 01773 833833

Derbyshire County Council Children & Family Services - Tel: 01629 533190

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - 24hrs / 7days Mental health support line Freephone, Tel: 0800 028 0077

Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support Service - Tel: 01773 734989 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Derbyshire Substance Misuse - Tel: 0300 123 1201

Relate - Tel: 01246 231010

Samaritans - 24hrs / 7days free-call on 116 123, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (response time 24 hours) or contact

Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Support Line - Tel: 08000 198 668 or Text: 07534 617252, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. If it’s an emergency, call 999.

Other Support

Age Concern Chesterfield and District - Tel: 01246 273333

Armed Forces Community support -

Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Royal Hospital - Tel: 01246 277271

Crimestoppers - Tel: 0800 555 111

Cruse Bereavement Care - Tel: 01246 550080

Deaf and Hearing Support - Text: 07442 536409 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Derbyshire Voluntary Action - Tel: 01246 555908

NHS 111 Service - Tel: 111

Pathways Homelessness Support - Tel: 01246 498204

Police: Non-emergency - Tel: 101

Police/Fire/Ambulance Emergency - Tel: 999

Sight Support Derbyshire - Tel: 01246 551727

RSPCA - Tel: 01246 273358

Lovely jubilee!

Residents from across NE Derbyshire and our staff enjoyed a weekend of celebrations to mark Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Pictured (above): Our leisure centres got in the party spirit with some great celebrations over the four days. Our fitness suites were also given a new name to mark the momentous occasion.

Pictured (below): the Millstone Neighbours group in Dronfield Woodhouse, successful recipients of one of our Community Action Grants.